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Registration and Fees


The deadline for registration has been September 15th, 2013. However there are few places left and Registration is still possible until the places are filled, latest until October 15th 2013. Please fill the Registration Form and e-Mail it to: bastian breustedt does-not-exist.kit edu and debora leone does-not-exist.kit edu

KIT and EURADOS will confirm the participation of new registrants. Those that have already registered have already received their confirmations. Upon confirmation you will receive the invoice for the participation fee. Deadline for payment is October 25th 2013.



Regular Fee: 550€

Reduced Fee: 500€
Applies for participants from the EURADOS Sponsoring Institutions (see http://www.eurados.org/en/Sponsors)

Students Fee: 350€

Applies for students which are registered at an university.

(A proof of matriculation needs to be presented at registration)


All fees are exclusive VAT. 7% VAT will be added for invoices to participants from Germany and from EU member states who cannot provide us with their VAT-ID number.

The fees will cover coffee breaks, a social dinner and all course materials (in printed and digital form).